MicroCorruption: Hanoi

You get to Hanoi, you find a manual.

Things are a bit different this time:

  • This Lock is attached to LockIT Pro HSM-1.
  • Password stored in the HSM.
  • Password set by connecting to app through the HSM and restarting the Lock.
  • A flag is set by the HSM after validating a correct password input.

The main function just calls the login function. The prompt for writing your test input gives an interesting clue: the password range.

You input a test password aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa of length within the specified range and set a breakpoint at login and test_password_valid to follow through the flow.

  • Fron the manual, the getsn function takes two params:
// length limits input buffer length
void gets(char *buf, unsigned int length)
  • r15 holds the address that points to the input buffer(where the input would be stored).

  • r14 holds the input length 0x1c. This is 28; which is waay more than the specified range limit of 8 - 16 bytes. This quacks like opportunity :)

After input, the test_password_valid gets called. This function basically, makes a call to INT 0x7D to test password validity and sets flag value.

Moving along, the flag does not get set so r15 is 0 on test 15 in the login function. This causes a jump to address 0x455a where there is a cmp.b which determines whether to call unlock_door. Interesting.

  • Only one byte is compared, the byte at address 0x2410 ; this is the first byte after a 16-byte input.
if *0x2410 == 0xf1{
	print("Access granted")
	call unlock_door
	print("That password is not correct")

Since you know the input buffer does not restrict input to a length of 16, you can have a longer input with the 17th byte being f1. Easy!

Wide open! :)

To Cusco or To Reykjavik… you decide!

MicroCorruption: Cusco

MicroCorruption: New Orleans

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