Case 09 → Taken ☎️

BackgroundKrypto kidnapped none other than Professor Smoke himself!

Mission: Use the graph-matching tool to figure out if an attack on the KDA network happened.

For all the marbles: What machine was compromised.

Graphs! and schnitzels.. at the end.. maybe?

What we know

  • All requests to the KDA network flow through: Gateway machine before taking a journey through various Backends until they finally reach the Admin.
  • Requests get split to sub-tasks executed on the BE or Admin.
  • Each machine undergoes periodic vulnerability scans.

Treasure hunt

Find a request or any of its sub-tasks that reached a vulnerable Admin machine, with the Gateway and Backends also being vulnerable.

Into the woods!

Let us analyze our data first and prepare it before graphing.

| take 50

| distinct EventType

**# -- EventType -- #**
# IncomingRequest
# SpawnTask
# PeriodicScan

  1. Find the machines that were found to have vulnerabilities during the scans:
let VulnMachines = MachineLogs
| where EventType == "PeriodicScan"
| parse Message with MachineType:string " periodic scan completed, " VulnCount:long * 
| where VulnCount > 0
| distinct Machine, MachineType
| take 100
  1. Let’s figure the vulnerable machines that received requests and grab task IDs.
let HotMachines = 
    | where EventType == "IncomingRequest"
    | lookup kind=inner VulnMachines on Machine
    | parse  Message with  * "TaskID=" TaskID:guid *;
  1. Let’s figure the vulnerable machines that spawned request tasks to other machines and grab child machine and child task IDs.
let Spawners = 
    | where EventType == "SpawnTask"
    | lookup kind=inner VulnMachines on Machine
    | parse  Message with  * "TaskID=" TaskID:guid * "TaskID=" ChildTaskID:guid * "on " ChildMachine;

What we have. From identifying all the vulnerable machines, we divided into a set that received requested and a set that spawned requested and to which machines.

Now, we need to find a request that passed from through a chain of vulnerable machines (from a gateway machine to an admin machine).

| make-graph TaskID-->ChildTaskID with HotMachines on TaskID
| graph-match (gateway)-[backend*1..25]->(admin)
    where gateway.MachineType == "Gateway" and target.MachineType == "Admin"
    project Start=gateway.Machine, End=admin.Machine, path=backend.Machine

💡 This challenge sent me on rabbit holes while attempting to prepare the data for graphing. Major thanks to hints from Liesel Hughes that streamlined my thought process.

It's On Fire! 🔥

SHCTF23: Magic Trick

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