Case 05 → Devils and details 🪵

Background: Prof. Smoke spilled the beans on some top-secret functionality during the interview. The interview was actually published before its deletion.

Mission: Crack this case and unearth the elusive interview link

For all the marbles: What is the link to secret interview?

What we know about Scott’s podcast:

  • He usually drops a podcast every week.
  • His videos rack up thousands of views.
  • On the 900th episode, a video was released, then deleted.

What anomaly in the video logs are we looking for?

  • There is a week that is missing a published video.
  • There is a week that has very few views.
  • There is a video that has a small live duration.

First, we structure this data:

| parse EventText with TransactionType " blob transaction: '" BlobURI "'" *
| parse EventText with "Read blob transaction: '" * "' read access (" Reads:long " reads)" *
| parse EventText with * "' backup is created on " Backup
| extend Details = parse_url(BlobURI)
| extend Host = tostring(Details.Host), Path=tostring(Details.Path)

We can save this into a database using .set-or-replace or use let and save this into a variable.

Let check for hosts in the first point in our knowledge base: Frequency of uploading podcasts.

We use series_period_validate over 7 days;

| make-series Series_Reads = sumif(Reads, TransactionType == 'Read') on Timestamp step 1d by Host
| extend (flag, score) = series_periods_validate(Reads, 7.0)
| where array_sort_asc(score)[0] > 0.6
| render timechart


We found one host that has 7 day periodicity!

Now, we check for anomalies in the second point in our knowledge base: Number of views

We narrow down to two dates on our one host that had less views than usual.

| where Host in ((StorageArchiveLogsTs
    | extend (flag, score) = series_periods_validate(Reads, 7.0)
    | where array_sort_asc(score)[0] > 0.6
    | project Host))
| extend (flag, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(Reads)
| where array_index_of(flag, -1) > 0
| render timechart


For the final point in our knowledge base: Short Time To Live

We correlate the host that had weirdly less views on a particular date with a delete event.

| where TransactionType == 'Delete'
| where Host in ((StorageArchiveLogsTs
| where Host in ((StorageArchiveLogsTs
    | extend (flag, score) = series_periods_validate(Reads, 7.0)
    | where array_sort_asc(score)[0] > 0.6
    | project Host))
| extend (flag, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(Reads)
| where array_index_of(flag, -1) > 0 and array_sort_asc(score)[0] < -5
| project Host))

Let’s find the backup URL:

| where TransactionType == 'Delete'
| where Host in ((StorageArchiveLogsTs
| where Host in ((StorageArchiveLogsTs
    | extend (flag, score) = series_periods_validate(Reads, 7.0)
    | where array_sort_asc(score)[0] > 0.6
    | project Host))
| extend (flag, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(Reads)
| where array_index_of(flag, -1) > 0 and array_sort_asc(score)[0] < -5
| project Host))
| join kind=inner(StorageArchiveLogsEx
    | where TransactionType == 'Create')
    on BlobURI
| project BackupURI1


Case 04 → Send one to catch them 🥷🏾

Case 06 → Something fishy 🎣

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