Case 04 → Send one to catch them 🥷🏾

Background: Someone has hacked into the Digitown municipality system and stolen these documents.

Mission: Shed some light on who is behind these crimes and clear Gaia’s name.

For all the marbles: Who is behind all this?

A guy got in and out of a system with a document.

.execute database script <|
.create-merge table IpInfo (IpCidr:string, Info:string)
//clear any previously ingested data if such exists
.clear table IpInfo data
.ingest into table IpInfo (@'')
.create-merge table NetworkMetrics (Timestamp:datetime, ClientIP:string, TargetIP:string, BytesSent:long, BytesReceived:long, NewConnections:int)
.clear table NetworkMetrics data
.ingest async into table NetworkMetrics (@'')
.ingest async into table NetworkMetrics (@'')
// Last command is running sync, so when it finishes the data is already ingested.
// It can take about 1.5min to run.
.ingest into table NetworkMetrics (@'')

We need to find the anomaly.

Anomaly by time:

For each client, let’s find the high level time they were active in the hub.

| summarize arg_min(Timestamp, *) by ClientIP
| join kind=inner(NetworkMetrics
    | summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by ClientIP)
    on ClientIP
| project ClientIP, Duration=datetime_diff('day', Timestamp1, Timestamp), BytesSent, BytesReceived
| distinct Duration

We notice that there is a client IP that connected for less than a day.

| summarize arg_min(Timestamp, *) by ClientIP
| join kind=inner(NetworkMetrics
    | summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by ClientIP)
    on ClientIP
| project ClientIP, Duration=datetime_diff('day', Timestamp1, Timestamp), BytesSent, BytesReceived
| order by Duration asc
| take 1
| evaluate ipv4_lookup(IpInfo, ClientIP, IpCidr)

Anomaly by bytes:

| summarize sum(BytesSent) by ClientIP
| order by sum_BytesSent asc
| take 1
| evaluate ipv4_lookup(IpInfo, ClientIP, IpCidr)

Case 03 → A Brief History of Time 🚘

Case 05 → Devils and details 🪵

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