Background: The complaints are pouring in, and people are fed up with the sudden increase in phishing calls attempting to steal their identity details.
Mission: Analyze the data and use your detective skills to find any patterns or clues that could lead us to the source of these calls.
For all the marbles: What phone number is used for placing the phishing calls?
To catch a phisherman.
.execute database script <|
.create-merge table PhoneCalls (Timestamp:datetime, EventType:string, CallConnectionId:string, Properties:dynamic)
//clear any previously ingested data if such exists
.clear table PhoneCalls data
.ingest async into table PhoneCalls (@'')
.ingest async into table PhoneCalls (@'')
// Last command is running sync, so when it finishes the data is already ingested.
// It can take about 1min to run.
.ingest into table PhoneCalls (@'')
We need to understand the structure of this data.
| where EventType == "Disconnect"
| extend DisconnectedBy = tostring(Properties.DisconnectedBy)
| take 5
| where EventType == "Connect"
| extend Origin = tostring(Properties.Origin), Destination = tostring(Properties.Destination), IsHidden = tobool(Properties.IsHidden)
| project-away Properties
| take 5
We join the two events by the callConnectionId to get a better view
| where EventType == "Disconnect"
| extend DisconnectedBy = tostring(Properties.DisconnectedBy)
| join kind=inner(PhoneCalls
| where EventType == "Connect"
| extend Origin = tostring(Properties.Origin), Destination = tostring(Properties.Destination), IsHidden = tobool(Properties.IsHidden))
on CallConnectionId
| extend Duration = datetime_diff('minute', Timestamp, Timestamp1)
| project CallConnectionId, Origin, Destination, IsHidden, Duration, DisconnectedBy
| take 5
For us to proceed, we have to draw out the behavior of a phishing call and analyze using these.
The phishing call would probably:
- Be hidden
Count by whether IsHidden or not
Disconnected by me
Count by who disconnected the call
Lasts a shorter time
Count of number of calls by Duration
To find the phisher, we have to check all these boxes.
| where EventType == "Disconnect"
| extend DisconnectedBy = tostring(Properties.DisconnectedBy)
| join kind=inner(PhoneCalls
| where EventType == "Connect"
| extend Origin = tostring(Properties.Origin), Destination = tostring(Properties.Destination), IsHidden = tobool(Properties.IsHidden))
on CallConnectionId
| extend Duration = datetime_diff('minute', Timestamp, Timestamp1)
| project CallConnectionId, Origin, Destination, IsHidden, Duration, DisconnectedBy
| where IsHidden == true and DisconnectedBy == "Destination"
| summarize count() by Origin
| top 1 by count_